Responsible Gambling

What is responsible gambling?

Responsible gambling means making sure one’s gambling doesn’t put anyone at the risk of harm. The ways to ensure that kind of environment include setting limits, gambling at legal and regulated sportsbooks, and knowing when to stop if a session isn’t going your way.

Responsible gaming practices also include making sure those with a gambling problem are not put in situations where issues are taken advantage of. This requires a collective effort from online sportsbooks and local and federal regulators.

Identifying problem gambling signs

If you see these actions or behaviors, you may be witnessing signals of problem gambling:

  • Prioritizing gambling over family and friends
  • Increasing one’s stakes to get the same thrill
  • Using gambling as an escape from other problems
  • Excessively chasing losses to try to win money back
  • Asking others for money to gamble

How to get help

If you’re struggling with a gambling problem, or know someone who is, help is available. A number of organizations can provide resources to combat issues with responsible gaming, and a few are listed below.

Help is also available over the phone. The National Problem Gambling Helpline can be reached at 1-800-GAMBLER, and connects those who call with free, confidential assistance.

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